3 February 2015

Start Again

I want to start writing again to keep myself motivated. In 2015 I want to come closer to achieving my long-term goal of being healthier and happier. This year is going to be better! I feel it!

I have decided to try blog weekly, documenting my days with plenty of photos in hope that it will help me to get back on track after falling behind my goals these last couple of months. 

My desire towards attaining a better lifestyle came about in 2012 where I started taking little steps to a healthier me. They say that is the best way to ensure you will keep to your new habits. It is true; by making gradual changes I grew a greater passion for health and fitness. And as the years went by, I could really see myself improving. My last couple of months, however, have not been near as healthy. I am quickly falling deeper and deeper into the trap of binge eating and laziness. I am struggling to pick my self up once more and simply start again.

Many say this is not easy. You are surrounded by temptations daily where mornings are filled with smells of freshly baked muffins, afternoons are in study and work, and evenings are simply demotivating when you begin to think how long your day will be tomorrow. But no, I say. This is when its time to get rid of those thoughts and write down the words, “I am looking forward to tomorrow”. I live by the saying, ‘everything is only as hard as you think it to be’. All I need now is to push myself and keep that momentum going. 

So lets begin. This Monday was Australia Day and because I remember overeating the day before at a friend’s birthday, I stuck to a jug of lemon water for breakfast to try freshening up a bit and giving myself a cleanse. Since Australia day is famous for BBQ’s, I ended up eating a lot of protein after that. 
Tuesday I had a farewell gathering for a friend in the park where I made a poor choice of keeping a packet of chips right in front of me. It disappeared too quickly!

Wednesday wasn’t much better. I was at home all day and this meant a lot of unhealthy snacking.

I had volunteer training at university the following day and to reward us for our efforts, they gave us free food and lots of it! Pancakes for breakfast, nachos for lunch, and in between, plenty of cookies.

After writing all this down I have realised how poor my days have been! This is definitely making me realise that I need to start making a change.

Friday night I caught up with my amigos for dessert at San Churros. As I ended up having a very late lunch, I didn’t get around to eating dinner before I left and this meant I could fit more chocolate in. Oh no! Don’t get me wrong, it is always great to go out with friends for a treat but I definitely didn’t deserve it this time around especially since I wasn’t even fitting in any exercise during the week.

The weekend was definitely one of the best weekends these holidays! Perhaps not in regards to the food choices but to the fun I had.

Saturday morning began with a healthy breakfast; coconut milk and buckwheat flakes, and then a catch up with friends at a cafe over some lemongrass and ginger tea! Good start. 

Lunch was at a friend’s place where we made some cheese toasties. They're not the healthiest, yes, but I’ve learnt over the years that it is impolite to simply state, “I won’t eat this because I am trying to be healthy”. Be healthy with integrity.

Later that day I went over to another friend's place where we enjoyed some Russian dumplings right before the power went out in the neighbourhood! I feel like the power should go out more often as it was such a refreshing night being surrounded by candlelight, laughter and not to mention cheesy fondue over a camp stove. It was simply the best!

The next day was filled with adventure starting up at 7am. The family took me three hours out of town to a freshly aired field to fly some planes. It was my first time flying in a glider and the views from up there were simply mesmerising! Big breakfast to start the day; toasted sandwich and fruit salad with yoghurt. Almonds, walnuts and lollies, were the snacks for the day and dinner was pizza; two slices only!

And so the motivation begins! Next week it’s time to improve. It’s time to step it up and get back on track. If you’re struggling like me, it's ok, you’ve already made the first step of wanting to make a change. Now let's do this together! A great tip is to start reflecting each week. Shouldn’t a healthy lifestyle be a priority?


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